條款及細則 - Terms and Conditions - Hong Kong - Gardiner Family Apothecary

條款及細則 - Terms and Conditions

我們保證您的詳細資料的機密性。 在任何情況下都不會將這些資訊提供給任何其他第三方,並且僅用於訂單處理。 除非另有要求,詳細資訊將放在我們自己的郵件清單中。

所有訂單均視供應情況而定,萬一出現商品暫時缺貨的情況,我們將透過電子郵件直接通知您,商品將在有貨後儘快發貨。 如果 14 天內沒有收到商品,我們將全額退款。

完成購物後,您將進入我們的安全結帳區域,系統會要求您提供處理訂單所需的詳細資訊。 完成後,您將收到訂單編號並透過電子郵件確認您的訂單。 我們採用最新的客戶友好型購物程序,並透過條紋支付透過可靠且安全的結帳處理系統進行強化,因此您可以 100% 相信我們已經投資了當今最安全的交易方法。 盡可能在當天付款後發貨。

網路交易透過我們在安全伺服器上的安全訂購設施進行處理。 接受所有主要信用卡和金融卡,Gardinerfamilyapotecary.hk 名稱將出現在您的信用卡交易明細表上。 商店內的所有報價均包含增值稅。 進行任何交易均須徵得持卡人同意。


We guarantee the confidentiality of your details. Under no circumstances will these be given to any other third party and shall be used for order processing only. Details will be placed on our own mailing list unless otherwise requested.


All orders are subject to availability, in the unlikely event of goods being temporarily out of stock we will notify you directly via email and the goods will be dispatched as soon as available. If the goods are not available within 14 days a full refund for the price of the item will be issued.

Order Processing

Once you have finished shopping you will go through our secure checkout areawhere you will be asked for the details required to process your order. Once complete you will be then issued with an order number and confirmation of your order by email. We utilise the latest in customer friendly shopping procedures, reinforced with a reliable and secure checkout processing system by stripe payments, so you can be 100% confident we have invested in the most secure transaction methods available today. Goods will be dispatched upon clearance of payment on the same day whenever possible.


Internet transactions are processed via our secure ordering facility on a secure server. All major credit cards and debit Cards are accepted and the name Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk will appear on your credit card transaction statement. All prices quoted within the store include VAT. The consent of the cardholder is required to make any transactions.

您同意遵守所有適用的當地州、國家和國際法律和法規,並對您使用過程中發生的所有行為或不作為承擔全部責任,包括您透過網站傳輸的內容。 網站上提供的所有資訊、設計、圖紙和其他規格均為 Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk 的專有財產 任何複製、傳輸或重新傳輸均需事先獲得 Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk 的書面批准

網站上列出的價格將按照您在網站上下訂單時規定的價格。 我們有權對價格進行調整,以考慮價格的任何上漲、將特別優惠價格改回原來的價格或徵收任何新的稅費或關稅,或者如果由於錯誤或遺漏而導致價格上漲網站上的產品有誤






Website conduct

You will agree to abide by all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations and are solely responsible for all acts or omissions that occur under your usage, including content of your transmissions through the website. All information, designs, drawings and other specifications provided on the website are the exclusive property of Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk  Any copying, transmission or re-transmission of same requires prior written approval of Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk

Price of Goods

The price listed on the website will be as stipulated at the time when you place your order on the website. We are entitled to make adjustments to the price to take account of any increases in prices, change a special offer price back to its original or the imposition of any new taxes or duties, or if due to an error or omission and the price for the products on the website is wrong

The contract of sale is not confirmed until the products are ready for dispatch and a dispatch email is sent therefore, we reserve the right to cancel or refund an order due to a pricing error.


The order or shipping address cannot be changed after the ordering and payment process is completed.
Under normal circumstances, we need 2 - 5 working days to process orders and arrange delivery. Please wait with patience.
If you have not received the goods within 5 working days after placing your order, you can contact us at onlineshop@elaveskincare.com and we will handle it as soon as possible.

Free shipping on orders on or over HK$299. Each online order can only specify to one shipping address. Merging orders will not be accepted. A shipping fee of HK$40 will be charged for orders less than HK$300.However, this free shipping is only applicable after discounts and vouchers have been applied.
When the gale signal, RED or BLACK signal rainstorm warning is in effect, or the weather is judged to be unsafe for delivery, the delivery service will be postponed accordingly. The company has the right to change the delivery date.

Delivery service is only available locally and there is no overseas delivery. The scope of delivery includes Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories. (No delivery in the outlying Islands)
We deliver the goods by our logistic team, please do not fill in any SF Express self-pickup address.
The delivery service is not available for delivery locations where the truck is not directly accessible.
Our delivery service does not cover floors that are not directly accessible by lift.
If the lift fails to operate properly, we will arrange another delivery time.
The goods will be delivered along with the invoice and receipt.
When you receive the goods, please sign on the invoice to confirm receipt of the goods.
The company is not responsible for any loss or damage caused due to customer's request placing in front of the door or collected by the management office/reception office.

If you find that the quantity of the goods does not match the order, the goods are already damaged when you receive the goods or any quality issue, please email to onlineshop@elaveskincare.com within 3 working days after receiving the goods, we will handle the replacement procedure as soon as possible. Please check the product to ensure it is in good condition.

許多產品具有技術性質,發布所有產品的詳細規格並保持規格完全最新是不切實際的。 網站上的所有描述性內容、圖紙、圖片、顏色、規格和廣告僅用於提供產品的大致描述。

如果產品附帶任何手冊或安全說明,您同意始終仔細閱讀並遵守其中包含的所有條款。 網站上包含的任何資訊並不全面,如果您沒有使用產品的經驗或不確定自​​己的能力,您應該始終尋求專家的建議和協助。

網站中包含的資訊僅供參考,儘管我們已盡一切努力確保此處包含的資訊的正確性,但透過網站提供的資訊以「原樣」和「可用」提供,不提供任何保證或保證。任何明示或暗示的條件。 我們不保證或聲明透過網站或第三方提供的資料的使用或使用結果將是正確的、準確的、及時的、可靠的或其他方面。 除您的法定權利規定的責任外,我們不承擔與上述任何相關的責任。

在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,在任何情況下,包括但不限於疏忽,我們均不對您因使用或無法使用而造成的任何直接、間接、附帶、特殊或後果性損害承擔責任網站、網站的任何更改、發送或接收或未發送或接收的任何材料或數據,或因使用或無法使用產品而導致的任何上述損害。 在任何情況下,我們以及我們的供應商對您和/或任何第三方就上述任何情況承擔的責任均不得超過 200 歐元。

除非 Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk 透過電子郵件接受您的訂單並確認其已發貨,否則您與 Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk 之間不存在任何向您銷售任何產品或服務的合約。 當 Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk 向您發送電子郵件時,該接受將被視為已完成,並且出於所有目的將被視為已有效傳達給您(無論您是否收到該電子郵件)


Accordance with Specification

Many of the products are of a technical nature and it is not practical to publish detailed specifications of all the products and keep specifications completely up to date. All descriptive matter, drawings, pictures, colours, specifications and advertising on the website are for the sole purpose of giving an approximate description of the products.


If any manuals or safety instructions are provided with the products, you agree to read and follow carefully all the terms contained therein at all times. Any information contained on the website is not meant to be comprehensive and if you are inexperienced in using the products or are unsure of your abilities, you should always seek expert advice and assistance.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The information contained in the website is for information purposes only and, although we have made every effort to ensure the correctness of the information contained herein, the information available through the website is provided “as is” and “as available” and without warranties or conditions of any kind either express or implied. We do not warrant or represent that the use or the results of the use of the materials available through the website or from third parties will be correct, accurate timely, reliable or otherwise. We accept no liability in relation to any of the above other than as may be provided for under your statutory rights.

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances, including but not limited to, negligence, shall we be liable to you for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of or the inability to use the website, any changes to the website, any material or data sent or received or not sent or received or for any of the above- mentioneddamages that result from the use or inability to use the products. In no circumstances shall our liability and that of our suppliers to you and/or any third parties for any of the above exceed €200.


No contract will subsist between you and Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk for a sale to you of any product or service unless and until Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk accepts your order by e-mail confirming that it has dispatched your order. That acceptance will be deemed complete and will be deemed for all purposes to have been effectively communicated to you at the time Gardinerfamilyapothecary.hk sends the email to you (whether or not you receive that e-mail)

Modification of terms

We reserve the right to change the terms of use or policies regarding the use of the website (including, in particular, those relating to price or availability) at any time and to notify you by posting an updated version of the terms of use on the website

對於因超出我們合理控制範圍的情況(包括但不限於任何不可抗力事件)而導致我們未能履行本條款和條件下的任何義務的,我們不承擔任何責任。 除非我們書面承認並同意,否則我們未能行使或執行使用條款的任何權利或規定並不構成對該權利或規定的放棄。 使用條款中的章節標題僅為方便雙方使用,不具法律契約意義。

使用條款應受愛爾蘭法律管轄並完全按照愛爾蘭法律解釋。 您和我們同意接受愛爾蘭法院的專屬管轄。 如果有管轄權的法院認為使用條款的任何規定違反法律,則該規定應盡可能解釋為反映雙方的意圖條款仍然完全有效。

我們可以隨時有理由或無理由終止網站,並立即生效。 此外,我們可以自行決定因您違反這些條款和條件的文字或精神而終止您的帳戶。


We shall not be liable for any failure to perform any of our obligations under these terms and conditions which is caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to any force majeure incident. Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the terms of use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by us in writing. The section titles in the terms of use are solely used for the convenience of the parties and have no legal of contractual significance.


The terms of use shall be governed by and construed fully in accordance with the laws of Ireland. You and we agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Ireland. If any provision(s) of the terms of use is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision(s) shall be construed, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the parties with the other provisions remaining in full force and effect.


We may terminate the website with or without cause at any time and effective immediately. In addition, we, in our sole discretion, may terminate your account for violation of the letter or spirit of these terms and conditions.